We are quickly approaching the baby's due date, and Steph could go into labor any moment now. At least that's what everyone thinks. The doctor just told us this morning that the baby is "snug and cozy" in there.
Disregarding all medical opinion, people we know are sensing that our timeline is getting shorter. At least I hope that's why our phone is riging off the hook. It isn't like we are discussing anything interesting or solving the world's problems. We are just having the same conversation over and over.
It's like mad libs over the phone.
Caller: Hi! What's up?
Us: Nothing.
Caller: We were just heading out to [store name]. Do you need any [thing]?
Us: No.
Caller: How is Steph feeling? Is she having [pregnancy symptom]?
Us: She's OK.
Caller: That's good. We just tried to call [number] minutes ago.
Us: We were on the other line with [relative/friend]. Steph hasn't gone into labor yet.
Caller: Oh, that's not what we called about. We just wanted
to see what you were up to.
Us: Sure. Bye.
We know that people are getting anxious, but remember that the due date isn't until Sunday. And since it's our baby, he or she is bound to be at least a little bit late. Rest assured that we will keep everyone updated. Just keep checking the blog.
And calling the house.