Saturday, October 15, 2005


We had our ultrasound appointment this morning and learned a few things during the procedure.
  1. There is only one baby in there.
  2. You don't have to drink as much water beforehand as you might think.
  3. The gel they use is extremely cold.
  4. You're supposed to give the blank videotape to them before the procedure starts.
  5. The technician (and only the technician) now knows if the baby is a boy or a girl.
  6. Because of the HIPAA laws, she is not going to tell you.
We also came out of the appointment with a few pictures to share. Click on each thumbnail picture for a larger view.

The first is a shot of the baby looking up. You can clearly see the head on the right side and a hand just above the baby's nose.

Ultrasound 1

Since it is mid-October, the baby decided to dress up for Halloween in this next shot. The view is looking straight on at the baby's face. The outfit is that of an alien, of course.

Ultrasound 2

The third shot is similar to the first, with the baby looking up and a hand out in front of the nose. But, I think in this one you can plainly see that the baby will be a Pittsburgh Steelers fan.

Ultrasound 3

Steph has been feeling some "fluttering" lately. Now we know why.


  1. Who do you think it looks like???

  2. I laughed out loud when I clicked on the thumbnail of the third picture. The people outside my office stared at me funny.

    I can't believe you, a video production guy, don't have video of the ultrasound. Inconceivable!

  3. We did end up getting the video - it was just at the end. The baby decided to stop moving for its movie debut, so the tape looks a lot like the pictures.

  4. We are very excited about the newest Steeler fan-to-be. Congratulations. Grandma and DoDad

  5. Hey guys - Glad the pregnancy is going well! Yay for a new Stillers Fan - Whoop Whoop!! Loved that last picture. Take care
    Lisa :)
